These workshops are brought to you in part by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI®). The SFI Program is administered by the Wisconsin SFI Implementation Committee (SIC). It is funded voluntarily by participating paper, lumber and forestry companies. The SFI program is based on the belief that responsible environmental behavior and sound business decisions can coexist to the benefit of communities, landowners, manufacturers, shareholders, customers and the environment – today and for future generations.
To be considered SFI Trained as a Qualified Logging Professional (QLP) an individual must complete the following:
The core curriculum and continuing education workshops do not need to be taken in a particular order, they must be completed within the same year. Those who do not attend SFI training workshops for three or more consecutive years will be required to complete the core training again.
**As of January 1, 2019, all 8 hour continuing education classes will only be worth 4 credit hours.
We are no longer able to split 8 hour classes to fulfill past year's requirements.
To receive credit for programs and trainings not on the annual FISTA SFI schedule, they must be pre-approved by FISTA. You must contact FISTA and submit an agenda, speaker list, and number of contact hours 2 weeks prior to the program. If approved, you will be required to submit proof of attendance, either by group or individual verification. The cost of these programs are $35 per person per program.
**FISTA will not bill for, nor give out certificates for, these programs.**
**As of January 1, 2019, all 8 hour approved electives will only be worth 4 credit hours.
We are no longer able to split 8 hour classes to fulfill past year's requirements.
Since 1996 Wisconsin SFI has contributed more than $2.7 million dollars in competitive grants to such organizations. Contributions are based on a per cord and board feet assessment on the Wisconsin wood used at each participating paper and saw mill or their acres of forested land.
Listed are Current Supporters: