Online Training


To register:

1. Click on the online class that you would like to take.
2. Click on 'register' and sign into your FISTA account.  (If you have not done online training before, but have taken SFI classes please contact FISTA at 715.304.2873 to assist you in creating an online account.)
3. Choose member or non-member.
4. If you would like to choose more than one class, click 'Add Course' in the top right corner.
5. When you have all classes in your cart, choose 'myself only', 'myself and others', or 'others only'.
6. Follow the on screen directions.
7. Once you have submitted, it will send it to FISTA for approval. Once approved by a FISTA employee, then you will have access to your online class.


For questions, please contact FISTA at715-304-2873 or email at

Continuing Education